How to create Autorun.inf?
You may create and edit AUTORUN.INF file manually (using Windows Notepad).
Autorun.inf structure and commands
AUTORUN.INF is a text file that should contain an Autorun section. This section starts with a header:
and should be followed with commands. There are the following commands vailable:
Icon command specifies an icon for the CD drive in My Computer. You may specify an icon file directly or an exe/dll file with icons inside and specify an index of the desired icon.
label=My Presentation
Label command specifies a text label that is displayed for this CD in Explorer
shell\readme\command=notepad README.TXT
shell\readme=Read &me
shell\software=Setup the software
Use a series of shell commands to specify one or more entries in the pop-up menu that appears when the user right-clicks on the CD icon. (The shell entries supplement the open command.)
This example shows how to add two...