IT manifesto of BJP

Regarding the just published IT manifesto of BJP, there are several great ideas that can be successfully implemented to take India at a next level in the right direction.

However, I have doubts about the MNIC and how it will be implemented.

As there are lakhs of Bangladeshis who have already obtained documentation to prove that they are locals, there should be a comprehensive scheme to tackle this issue.

A system that generates MNICs on its own, without discussing it with other database systems is going to fail miserably for sure.

MNIC, therefore, without standing on its own, should be developed as a unit of a comprehensive system, which rejects all the old documentations to prove Indian citizenship and re-issue new documentations based of great deal of scrutiny for each and every citizen.

Illegal migrants found after such scrutiny MUST be sent back without worrying about human rights activists and stupid Congress party.

BJP, therefore, should project this comprehensive scheme as the major policy in this election, not just MNIC scheme.


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