Airtel Internet through Mobile Phone

Airtel Internet through Mobile Phone as Modem . Now I am explaining step by step procedure to setup a connection to dial-up your Mobile as modem. Let’s get into steps:

Go to “Start–>Control Panel”
Click on “Network & Internet Connections”.
Under header “Pick a task” click on “Create a connection to the network at your workspace”.
Now you will get “New Connection Wizard dialog box, select “Dial-up connection” & click next.
Dialog will ask for “Connection Name”, give whatever you would like to. I had given “airtelgprs”.
It asks for “Phone Number”, enter number as “*99***1#”
If you want select to put a shortcut on desktop (Preferred) & finish setup.

Now you will see a shortcut saying “airtelgprs” (In my case) on desktop. Make sure you installed your phone drivers & connect your phone. Double click the icon on desktop, leave blank “User name” & “Password” fields & click “Dial”. One message will pop-up to confirm its connected. Following are

Few points to check if not connected:
Check whether modem drivers for your phone are installed. Normally this will come with your phone’s PC Suite. Installing PC Suite will install all required drivers.
Check whether your phone could be used as modem or not.
You need to activate “Mobile Office” service of Airtel to connect. Other services like “Airtel Live” & “NOP/Airtel Online” will not work for this connection.
If you are getting message “Modem not responded”, try restart your mobile & reconnect it.

Satisfying all above points you will sure be able to connect to internet. To know about Tariff & Usage charges read post Airtel Internet through Mobile Phone as Modem


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