how to Disable write protection from pendrive - Using Diskpart

First we will try to remove read only attribute from the specific drive. Warning : Be sure to do this on the right disk since the diskpart command can do serious damage if you run it on the wrong disk. 1) Start Menu -> Run(or in search box) -> Type 'cmd' -> press 'Enter' -> Command Promt will open 2) Type 'Diskpart' -> enter -> 'list disk' -> enter 3) Select the disk you are going to modify, if your required USB disk is in 'disk 4' then 4) type 'select disk 4' -> enter , now disk 4 is selected, 'list disk' will show star(*) beside it 5) 'list disk' -> enter To Clear the Read-Only attribute on the selected disk (To Disable write protection): 6) Type 'attributes disk clear readonly' -> enter The disk is no longer Write protected. The Read-Only attribute is removed. If you wish to set the write protection again, just do the same procedure and Type 'attributes disk set readonly' -> enter When you are done modifying the disk attributes just issue the exit command 7) Type 'exit' -> enter If files inside USB drive are still in read only mode -open command prompt -Type ' j: ' -> enter (put your drive label in place of 'j' ) - Type ' attrib -r /s /d *.* ' -> enter - exit


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