Multipurpose National Identity Card Released: Show as you go

New Delhi, May26: The first set of Multipurpose National Identity Card (MNIC) scheme is released on Saturday under the pilot project of Govt of India which was initiated four years ago. This pilot project is an experiment and is carried in selected sub districts of 12 states and one Union Territory.
The Government is expected to implement the scheme in the entire country after getting the experiences and learning the lessons form the very pilot project. The MNIC is a temper proof plastic card containing 16 digit ID number, signifies the authenticity of a valid citizen. It is an ambitious 44.36 crore project under the Government of India.
More about MNIC:It is expected that MNIC or Multipurpose National Identity Card can serve a lot for a countryman. It can be used anywhere for proving the necessary authenticity of a person moving in and out of his region. The production and distribution of these identity cards is likely to be completed by July, 2007.
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